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Shrimp salad with sautéed garlic olive oil


👉 Shrimp

👉 Sweet potato

👉 Hard boiled egg

👉 Organic cherry tomatoes

👉 Romaine

👉 Lemon, red wine vinegar, and sautéed garlic olive oil

👉 Salt and pep


Cut up the sweet potato & coat with olive oil.

Place on parchment paper on a baking sheet & cook in the oven for 40 min at 400.

Flip halfway through.(These come out slightly crispy on the outside and softer on the inside)

Chop romaine & in a deep bowl, toss in lemon juice & red wine vinegar.

Top with shrimp , hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, and roasted sweet potato.

Lastly, drizzled sautéed garlic olive oil over everything , added salt and pep